Top secret locations of 150 US nukes hidden in Europe are accidentally leaked in Nato report sparking major security fears


SECRET sites storing 150 US nukes have been accidentally revealed in a Nato report, it has been reported.

The United States and its allies in the Nato military alliance never disclose the locations of the nuclear arsenal but it appears the six sites have inadvertently disclosed.


The nuke sites where the nuclear weapons are being deployed - it has been reported they are of the B61 type pictured being tested

A draft version of the document entitled “A new era for nuclear deterrence? Modernisation, arms control and allied nuclear forces” was published earlier this year.



Instead it refers vaguely to aircraft that could carry nuclear weapons.Senator Day told the Washington Post the original document was only a draft and “all information used in this report is open source material”.

A Nato spokesman said: “We do not comment on the details of NATO’s nuclear posture. This is not an official NATO document.”

It has been reported that the US has deployed the B61 bomb in Europe.

The presence of US nuclear weapons in Europe is a relic of the Cold War and they were originally stationed to deter Soviet aggression.

At the height of tensions, the US is believed to have deployed 110 nuclear weapons at RAF Lakenheath, which were removed in 2008.

America has indicated it may spend more than £703 billion by the 2040s upgrading its nuclear capabilities.